
Future of wind power looks better than ever

The Global Climate Summit in copenhagen failed;However,the era of wind energy has already begun: European wind farms currently feed approximately 78,000 megawatts of output into power grids.that figure is expexted to grow by 15 percent with an additional 13,000MW slated for installation in 2010.Other continents are following suit.The American Wind Energy Association estimates that North America will again reach the record level of 2008, with the US installing 8,500 MW of new capacity and even double-digit gigawatt growth starting in 2011. Canada is developing a market with an annual figure exceeding 1,000 megawatts. In Asia, China’s newly installed capacity is estimated at seven megawatts and upwards, followed by India. The diversity of market is also reflected in the wide range of manufacturers and wind turbines offered within the wind turbine market. Manufacturers can publish their data at no charge. At present, the large offshore and repowering markets are scarcely represented in all short-term forecast.The future of wind power looks better than ever.

