
Hidden troubles of wind turbine quality 1

With China’s sustained economic development, huge demand for electricity power has spurred the rapid development of the entire energy industry, and our vast wind resource reserves have provided sufficient space for the large -scale development of wind turbine power industry. Based on the incomplete statistics, our wind turbine power equipment output of the first half of 2009 has reached 4.27 million kW, representing an increase of 135.7%. However, wind power projects of 12.3 million kW have been approved to construct at the same time within the country, which may be followed by production capacity Surplus. As showed in" 2009 –2012 lnvestment AnaIysis and Prospects Forecast of China's Wind Power lndustry" issued by China Investment ConsuIting Co., Ltd.: there are currently over 70 wind power machine manufacturing enterprises in total in Our country, more 50 fan manufacturing enterprises, up to 100 tower manufacturlnq enterprises, and about 30 flange manufacturing enterprises As calculated by enterpr1se production capacity, it has been far more than market capacity and wind turbine market has been transformed from seller’s market to buyer's market. Fierce vicious competition has been carried Out among manufactures in order to obtain orders, which brought considerabIe risks and hidden troubles for product quality.

